Thursday, September 25, 2008

Flip Floppin my way with Faith

Okay, so I haven't actually done my blogging in a LONG time! LONG story short...Our dear Lord has changed up my life a bit! Let's face it! The Lord works in mysterious ways...well, you always hear that! I don't feel that way. He works in HIS way and a good Christian woman, I am gonna have to slap that smile on my face and let him teach me what he wants me to learn! So ladies, here I am. I am going to be still. Here I will sit with my children and my Faith! Here I will be! I am going to call this blog Flip Floppin Faith for many reasons, but 2 main ones! My lovely friend ANgela always cracks me up. She bought me for my birthday one of those cute note pad sets, you know with the little drawn people to look like you! Well, mine had me in a pair of flip flops! IT was then that i realized that most people who have only known me since becoming someone's mother, have only seen me wear flip flops, not real shoes, just flip flops. Well being that and that I am who I am, she had a great laugh b/c I am such a dork that I wear them year round! ANyway, I also have such a flip floppy way about me, even though I am a total type A personality, my life seems to always be flip floppin between a little past normal and a little short of crazy. Faith comes from my huge amount of Faith that the Lord has taught me to live with starting about 3 years ago! God is AMazing!!!!! This page is going to be my life down so that my children will have some sort of scrapbook! I have given up hope on that! Well, I am trying to let it go! IT's been gone for a while, but my head can't let that or all those unused supplies go! Enjoy, if at all possible!

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